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FIFA/CIES International University Network

Rio de Janeiro: The 20th FGV/FIFA/CIES seminar explores the theme of manipulation of results.

The 20th FGV/FIFA/CIES seminar investigated the challenges facing Brazil in protecting the integrity of sport in the light of international best practice. Four round tables were held on the following topics:

  • How important is the Macolin Convention in the fight against the manipulation of sports results?
  • How can we combat illegal betting operators?
  • How can we protect the integrity of sport?
  • What are Brazilian sports organisations doing to prevent and combat the manipulation of results in sport?

Numerous national and international experts and moderators took part in the debates. They included Graciela Garay, Director of Ethics and Compliance at CONMEBOL; Nicolas Saydé, Head of the Council of Europe Convention on the Manipulation of Competitions; Guy Reinenbergh, National Coordinator Sports Fraud  in Belgium; Fabio Figueiras, Chairman of the Disciplinary Committee at the Portuguese Wrestling Federation and FIFA Master alumnus; Philippe Auclair, journalist and reporter for various European newspapers; Daniel Cola, Delegate of the Brazilian Federal Police and Professor at the National Police Academy; Paulo Schmitt, Integrity Officer at the Brazilian Olympic Committee and at the Division for the Prevention of Manipulation of Competitions (DMPC); Jarbas Soares Júnor, President of the National Council of Attorneys General of the Public Prosecution Service of the States and the Union (CNPG); Athirson Mazoli, former international football player, sports commentator and National Secretary for Football and Supporters' Rights at the Ministry of Sports; Eduardo Gussem, Senior Parnter at Gussem, Saad & Lemos Basto and CBF Integrity Officer; Rayssa Silva and Athos Moura, journalists and former students of the FGV/FIFA/CIES International University Network Programme;  René Simões, former professional football player, former member of the FIFA Women's Football Committee and member of the CBF Academy; Mauro Silva, former international football player, FIFA World Cup Champion, Vice-President of the Federação Paulista de Futebol and alumnus of the FGV/FIFA/CIES International Programme;

Many thanks to the FGV/CIES team in Brazil of Luis Arruda, Pedro Trengrouse, Viviane Leite and Ricardo Trade.