Entrevista con

Daniel Moldovan | diplomado 2016

What is your current professional activity? and your involvement in sport?
I am the general manager of a sports company (Sports R US LLC Sports Consultancy).
Why did you choose to attend the FIFA/CIES Programme in sport management at PSUAD?
I wanted to learn more about the management side of sports.
What were your expectations before the start of the course? and… were they met?
My expectations were met.
What would you say are the key strengths of the PSUAD/FIFA/CIES Programme in sport management?
The diversity of professors and the learning opportunities.
What benefits (on a personal and/or professional level) did you gain from attending the course?
I now have a much better understanding of management.
What is your best memory/highlight of the course?
The time spent with my colleagues.
Would you recommend the PSUAD/FIFA/CIES Programme in sport management? Why?
Yes, it is great opportunity to meet people and to learn about the sports industry.