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Port d'Espagne, Trinité-et-Tobago
Interview avec

Renae Samuel | diplômée 2021

What is your current professional activity? And your involvement in sport?
Director of Womens’s Football and Chairperson of the Women’s Committee at Grenada Football Association
Why did you choose to study the FIFA/CIES Programme in Sport Management at The University of the West Indies, St. Augustine Campus?
I chose the program to help broaden my knowledge in sports administration while continuing to inspire other people, especially female who would like to get into sports. 
What were your expectations before the start of the course? And… were they met?
My expectation coming into the program was firstly to obtain new knowledge, broaden my networking skills, successfully completing the program and to have fun. I can happily say that all my expectations were met.
What would you say are the key strengths of the UWI/FIFA/CIES Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management?
The key strengths of the program are the level of support afforded to the students, the flexibility of classes, reliability of response to queries, proactive approached by the lecturers and course coordinator.
What benefits (on a personal and/or professional level) did you gain from attending the course?
Professionally- I am better prepared to continue serving in the field with a bigger support network that I can tap into anytime.
Personally, I am more confident in my decision making and I am more comfortable dissemination the wealth of information I obtained
What is your best memory/highlight of the course?
The best testimony for me is the fact that the program naturally helps to create a level of confidence, creative thinking and critical analysis that is not seen prior to joining the course.  I really appreciate the level of support I received from Ms. Gregoire from the first day we made contact. This also gave me the reassurance that there will be support and guidance along the way. I had many negative experiences along my educational journey and this positive experience was very refreshing. It renewed my confidence and that UWI St. Augustine was the best choice.
Would you recommend the UWI/FIFA/CIES Postgraduate Diploma in Sports Management? Why?
Off course, I will definitely recommend the course for all the reasons above. It is a life changing journey that one will never regret.