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Port d'Espagne, Trinité-et-Tobago
Interview avec

Sachin Maraj | diplômé 2019

How has the programme contributed or added value to your career?
This programme has added value to me as a teacher because it allowed me to have a deeper appreciation about the workings and process of sports outside of a classroom. It incited me to use a holistic approach to teaching physical education.
What were the benefits of the programme to your current position?
There were countless benefits of this program in my current position. I developed skills and concepts in the fields of management, finance, marketing and law related to sport. I was now able to market Physical Education in my school and sporting programs within my community. This program allowed me to host the first ever Secondary Schools Futsal Tournament (Top 6) it was held by the University of the West Indies Open Campus students as a national project. As a coach it allowed me to see the practical fusion of business within the sporting world. This program assisted me to form partnerships with Local Boards such as TTFA. This program also gave me the motivation to start my own sport business in the future.
What was your best memory/highlight of the programme?
On any journey there will be memories that stand out and you will keep for a lifetime, the same applies with this program. The one memory which stood out to me were the field trips involved especially when we visited the National Aquatic Center and we partook in the learning to dive center, this made me feel like I was a child again.
Any additional comments about the programme.
This program made me understand what true friendship is and how to finish a full project in under 24 hours. Always remember diamonds are made under pressure.