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Interview with

Sameh Al-Haj Mohammed | graduate 2011

What is your current professional activity? And your involvement in sport?
Now, I am a football player and the chairman of sports in the company I work for.

Why did you choose to attend the FIFA/CIES Programme in Sport Management at Birzeit University?
For two main reasons:
- University of Bir Zeit is one of the largest university’s in Palestine.
- The positive recommendations and experiences of former graduates from the university.

What would you say are the key strengths of the FIFA/CIES Programme in Sport Management?
The quality of guest speakers and support from the FIFA family. The visits of Mr. Joseph Blatter and of Mr. Lilian Thuram.

What is your best memory/highlight of the course?
The Interview with Mr. Joseph Blatter.

Would you recommend the FIFA/CIES Programme in Sport Management? Why?
Yes, the programme will help to increase the level of knowledge in Palestinian Sport and build a stronger future.