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Rio de Janeiro & Sao Paulo, Brazil

Brazil: Registration opens for the FGV/FIFA/CIES Executive Programme

A CIES partner since 2010, Fundação Getulio Vargas (FGV) in Rio de Janeiro (Brazil), has officially launched the registration process for the new edition of the FGV/FIFA/CIES Executive Programme in Sports Management (Programa Executivo de Aperfeicoamento em Gestão do Esporte). The next edition will start in September 2016.

The FGV/FIFA/CIES Executive Programme enables students to become familiar with new management tools in key-areas of sports management. Adapted to local needs and requirements, the course also offers the opportunity to attend lectures by internationally renowned experts.

Furthermore, students have the chance to participate in a competition aimed at rewarding the best group project within the framework of the FIFA/CIES International University Network. The competition prize includes a trip to Switzerland and a visit to FIFA. Students also have the possibility, as Programme alumni, to obtain a scholarship to attend the flagship International MA in Management, Law and Humanities of Sport (“FIFA Master”) if they can fulfil all academic criteria and are selected by the course Scientific Committee.

Previous students who have participated in the different editions of the FGV/FIFA/CIES Executive Programme emphasise its strengths. Isabela Guadanini Pinheiro (Class of 2014) praises the course in this way: “In addition to offering quality classes, the Programme gave me the possibility to create a very valuable network based on the knowledge of my classmates and future partners.”

On her part, Lisete Frohlich (Class of 2013) commented “This is an excellent Programme to qualify and update managers of sports organizations who want to grow professionally in this environment."

It is worth repeating that the FGV/FIFA/CIES Executive Programme is organised within  the framework of the FIFA/CIES International University Network which  gathers together 16 different universities in Africa, Central America, South America, Middle East and Europe.

For more information contact:

Tel.: + 55 (21) 3799-6676 / +55 (11) 3799-3494                  




